
Development of the concept of the periodic lifestyle magazine "Watsons For You", which will be interesting and useful for readers. Creation of the publication as an effective communication channel and a new way of promoting the company's trademarks. Launch of advertising campaigns in social networks, creation of promotional videos and cooperation with opinion leaders.
  • Digital
  • Video
  • Content
Development of the concept of the periodic lifestyle magazine "Watsons For You", which will be interesting and useful for readers. Creation of the publication as an effective communication channel and a new way of promoting the company's trademarks. Launch of advertising campaigns in social networks, creation of promotional videos and cooperation with opinion leaders.

The sphere of cooperation.

  • Development of the concept and implementation of the lifestyle magazine “Watsons for you”
  • Creation of the original design and content of the publication
  • Support on social networks
  • Launch of advertising campaigns
  • Collaboration with the influencers
  • Conducting contests and activations
  • Creating a promo video
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The goals achieved.

Thanks to the creation and release of a new stylish edition of the brand, we improved the image of the company, and created a new effective way of communication. By creating social media campaigns and contests, we increased user engagement and increased the reach.

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